
We increase our memberships to national and international organizations for a sustainable future.

İş Leasing recognizes that its vision of sustainable development and green transformation is a necessity for designing a prosperous and safe future. The essence of the Company’s sustainability action plan is to boost continuous corporate development and transformation approach in promising areas with stakeholder interaction. İş Leasing acknowledges great importance to contributions in development and expansion of sustainability studies, realization of transformations required in institutions and social life, and to understand and include different stakeholder groups in decision-making for effective management of risks and opportunities. Thus, it exercises due care to take part and pioneer in various initiatives to build a more sustainable world, by becoming an active working member of various associations, unions and sectoral organizations that work for common ideals. The company keeps its membership in the Business Council for Sustainable Development (BCSD Türkiye), which is the regional network and business partner of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) in Türkiye, since 2020. In this context, it actively participates in all working groups, particularly the Sustainable Finance Working Group.

İş Leasing aims to increase its memberships in associations and organizations focused on different fields, contributing to the realization of its goals in line with its sustainability priorities for the 2022-2024 period. By 2022, the Company plans to participate as a signatory member to the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), which is the largest global corporate sustainability initiative, and the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs). Participating in organizations such as UNGC CEO Water Mandate, SDG Map Türkiye and Equality for Women at Work are also included in the cooperation perspective of the Company.

BCSD TÜRKİYE - Business Council for Sustainable Development

KOTEDER - Publicly Listed Partnership Executives Association https://www.

AFI - Association of Financial Institutions

ICoC - Istanbul Chamber of Commerce