While advancing to achieve its goals in line with its “Sustainable, Quality and Profitable Growth” strategy, and sustainable finance and green transformation vision, İş Leasing carries out various activities to contribute to social life and the environment within the framework of its corporate social responsibility approach. In this context, the Company has embraced the goal of maximizing contributions to social life across all communities and fulfilling exemplary investments with tangible benefits for all its stakeholders. Corporate social responsibility affairs at İş Leasing are handled by the Human Resources and Marketing Departments. Believing that social and national benefit cannot be realized without social welfare, İş Leasing also transfers its pioneering role in the sustainable finance into corporate social responsibility activities and firmly marches towards a sustainable future with the support of its stakeholders. In order to support and accelerate sustainable development and green transformation, it aims to add permanent value in the society by adopting a model of cooperation with the business world, public and civil societies in its projects. In this respect, it considers supporting those in need with donations and aids whenever obliged by social solidarity, as a basic principle of social responsibility approach. In this context, donations were made to Purple Roof (Mor Çatı) particularly on the International Women’s Day on March 8. In addition, donations on behalf of the employees are made to Turkish Education Foundation’s (TEV) Scholarship Fund for the birthday celebrations of the Company employees. Within the framework of cooperation with TEV, support is provided for the education of girls.
İş Leasing cares about the world we live in and values our forests, one of the biggest sources of oxygen. It continues its efforts to introduce new green areas for society and nature with sapling donations.
In order to increase financial inclusion and literacy, İş Leasing assists Association of Financial Institutions in its events and briefings demonstrating leasing and its advantages, and it also provides subsequent information to all stakeholders on its website.
İş Leasing will continue to make every effort to fulfill its responsibilities in line with the aim of providing sustainable value and benefit to all its stakeholders and society through open and transparent corporate governance policies and practices.
İş Leasing, açık ve şeffaf kurumsal yönetişimi kapsayan politika ve uygulamalarla, tüm paydaşlarına ve topluma sürdürülebilir değer ve fayda sağlama amacı doğrultusunda üzerine düşen sorumlulukları yerine getirmek için her türlü çabayı göstermeye devam edecektir.
By assuming responsibility along with its stakeholders, İş Leasing became a member of Business World and Sustainable Development Association (BCSD Türkiye), regional partner of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) in Türkiye, since 2020. Membership aim was to make contributions to support economic growth, ensure social welfare, and ensure continuous development at national and international level.
In this context under the leadership of BCSD Türkiye, İş Leasing involved in the activities of:
The Transition to Low Carbon Economy and Efficiency Working Group, in order to share its knowledge and experience with the business world through its policies and regulations in the field of climate change, to contribute to the discussions in this field, to guide the business world in the adaptation process to climate change by making use of the international structure of WBCSD, and to ensure that good practices from around the world are transferred to our country
Sustainable Agriculture and Access to Food Working Group, in order to ensure that the principles of sustainable agriculture are improved and expanded with good practices.
Sustainable Industry and Circular Economy + Plastics Working Group, on raising awareness in the business world about circular economy, enhanced cooperation and interaction
Sustainable Finance and Risk Management Working Group, in order to keep sustainable finance topic on the agenda of business world and to spread good practices.
Working Group on Women Employment and Equal Opportunities, with the aim of raising awareness, developing strategies and collaborations to create workplaces sensitive to gender equality, propagating UN WEPs (United Nations Women’s Empowerment Principles) signatory companies, setting policies and targets in this area.