Tacking sustainability holistically with its economic, environmental and social aspects, İş Leasing targets to be a part of the solution in combating environmental and social issues. Accordingly, the Company has set its goals for the 2022-2024 period in line with its sustainable growth and value creation principle.
The Company acts with the aim of taking its sustainability efforts beyond the regulatory requirements. İş Leasing aims to ensure that environmental, economic and social sustainability factors are pursued holistically in the Company’s management and product/service processes, risks and opportunities associated with these factors are effectively managed, and value is created through sustainable growth. Environmental and Social Risk Management System activities are carried out without letup in order to embed this approach in all processes and to guarantee that sustainability is internalized across the entire organization.
The main axes of İş Leasing’s sustainability strategy are determined as energy, water, raw material and resource efficiency, and supporting the low carbon transition by financing renewable energy projects and projects that will contribute to employment in the country. In addition, environmental and social risk measurement of investment projects, waste management, corporate integrity and transformation take place among the main focal points of the strategy.
Recognizing that emissions volume that increases as a result of unsustainable investments and in connection with fossil fuel use gives rise to irreversible negative impacts on human health and the environment, İş Leasing introduces implementations supporting net zero philosophy and takes new steps to achieve this target.
Considering sustainable management of energy generation and consumption processes, and primarily of GHG emissions as the pivots of sustainability philosophy, it is a priority for İş leasing to finance renewable energy investments. As of 2021, the financing the Company provided to renewable energy projects amounted to USD 96 million. Total installed capacity of renewable energy projects financed by İş Leasing, which stands out particularly for its financing solutions for solar power, reached 162.21 MW cumulatively in 2021.
Sustainability priorities determined on the basis of active stakeholder engagement
Shaping its activities around the principle of creating sustainable value for all its stakeholders, İş Leasing has conducted a materiality analysis to determine the expectations of its internal and external stakeholders from the Company. Within the scope of the study, leading institutions, the World Economic Forum (WEF) Global Risks Report, the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UN-PRI) and sectoral research were scrunitized. The topics determined based on surveys were presented for evaluation by internal and external stakeholders by way of online questionnaires. The topics identified were scored by stakeholders according to their priority, and the materiality matrix was developed according to stakeholder feedbacks.
İş Leasing contributes to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the material topics it has identified.
The sustainability strategy sheds light on İş Leasing’s sustainability journey.
In line with the outcomes of the materiality analysis, İş Leasing formulated its sustainability strategy around the focal areas of energy and resource efficiency, waste management, support to low carbon transition, environmental and social risk management, support to employment, corporate integrity and transformation.
The main axes of the sustainability strategy are listed below:
With its 2020 sustainability report, İş Leasing broke new ground in the sector and has been the first and only leasing company to publish a sustainability report.
In its first sustainability report published in 2021, İş Leasing gave an account of its governance approach to environmental, social and economic impacts arising from its operations, performance results, its forward-looking expectations and pledges.
The outline of the report, which is prepared in accordance with GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) “Core” option, consisted of the topics that were highlighted in the studies the Company carried out to identify its sustainability priorities. When conducting the studies, the fundamental reporting principles specified in the GRI Standards were considered.
İş Leasing 2020 Sustainability Report produced in PDF and HTML formats can be reached on the below link or by scanning the QR code.
Looking ahead…
In the period ahead, İş Leasing will remain committed to channeling its robust funding capabilities to energy efficiency and renewable energy projects.
Targeting to contribute to the national economy, the society and sustainable development goals through the investments it finances, the Company will undertake leadership also in the area of sustainability and continue to create sustainable value for all its stakeholders in keeping with its corporate and ethical approach, its support to diversity and inclusion, and its goal to contribute to the environment and the society.