geri ileri

With the lingering sensitivity, the global economy followed a moderate course in 2014. US economy showed a significant recovery, while the Eurozone economies maintained their weak trend. Accordingly, global economic growth estimates stood at 3.3% for 2014 and at 3.8% for 2015, while the Turkish economy was expected to grow by about 3% in 2014 with the growth rate to further recover in 2015.

Having posted 49% increase in its transaction volume thanks to its reliable and dynamic structure which helped it continue being the strong business partner of the investors despite the volatile conditions in the global and local economies in 2014, İş Leasing left behind a successful year in terms of both its market share and profitability.

As a company that has been listed on Borsa İstanbul (BİST) since 2000 where 42.7 percent of its shares is quoted, İş Leasing’s shares continued to be the main indicator of its sector with an average transaction volume of 638,370 shares per day in 2014. İş Leasing, which provides its services in international standards thanks to its experienced employees, high-quality service and transparent management understanding and advanced corporate management applications, raises its success record steadily and swiftly.

Having adopted fair, transparent and consistent management principles with a permanent and efficient communication with all its stakeholders, İş Leasing implements the best governance applications and improves itself constantly. İş Leasing was rated as 9.07 over 10 by SAHA Rating within the scope of the corporate governance rating in 2014, and the Company is also listed on the BİST Corporate Governance Index and the World Corporate Governance Index (WCGI).

İş Leasing’s credit rating is renewed every year in compliance with the commitment to corporate governance principles and as per the transparency principle, and in 2014, Fitch Ratings announced AA+ national credit rating and BBB- foreign currency credit rating for İş Leasing. These investable ratings confirm the credibility of our Company independently.

Foreign Currency Turkish Lira National
Long-Term Short-Term Outlook Long-Term Short-Term Outlook Long-Term Outlook Support
BBB- F3 Stable BBB- F3 Stable AA+ (tur) Stable 2