Increase in the Share Capital
The paid-in capital of the Company has been increased from TL 650,302,645 to TL 695,302,645 with a portion of TL 45,000,000 funded by 2017 profit shares allocated in the form of share certificates in line with the 2017 yearly profit distribution proposal approved by shareholders in the Annual General Assembly held on 23 March 2018, and the capital increase processes have been completed on 08 June 2018.
Annual General Assembly Held Within the Period
The Company’s 2017 Annual General Assembly has been held at the address of İş Kuleleri, 34330, İş Bankası Oditoryum Binası, 4. Levent – İstanbul on 23 March 2018. Ordinary General Assembly Meeting of 2017 was held with the presence of the shareholders representing 600,000,000 Group A and 53,597,338,110 Group B shares from 65,030,264,500 shares corresponding to the Company’s total equity of TL 650,302,645. In the meeting, the motions filed by the shareholders with respect to the agenda topics have been approved in unanimity.
Profit Distribution
According to the Profit Distribution Table submitted to and approved by the General Assembly of Shareholders within the framework of the Decision No. 2539 and dated 12.02.2017 of the Company’s Board of Directors, it has been resolved that the shareholders be distributed first dividends in the form of bonus shares worth TL 45,000 thousand out of the net distributable profit for the period in the amount of TL 109,238 thousand, which is net profit for the period forming the basis of profit distribution pursuant to the Capital Markets Board of Turkey (CMB) legislation in the amount of TL 112,948 thousand, less first legal reserves of TL 3,710 thousand calculated based on the profit figure of TL 74,200 thousand that descends in the Company’s statutory records; that deferred taxes of TL 3,067 thousand that is included in the Company’s net profit for the period according to statutory records be set off from deferred tax reserves, which are made up of the Company’s undistributed deferred tax income from previous periods, and be transferred to extraordinary reserves, and that the distribution of shares that will be distributed as profit share be commenced upon approval of the issuance document for the said shares by the CMB. Distribution of bonus shares was completed on 30 May 2018.
Changes in Articles of Association
During the period of 01.01.2018 – 31.12.2018, no amendment has been made in the Articles of Association, and in the course of increase of our Company’s share capital from TL 650,302,645 to TL 695,302,645, Article 6 “Capital and Types of Shares” of our Company’s Articles of Association has been amended, and these amendment has been registered on 08.06.2018.